
HoogspanningsNet (,, from here referred to as the website; https:/, from here referred to as the forum; and the HoogspanningsNet Gridmap, from here referred to as the gridmap) is an independent website/group aiming to serve neutral, high quality information about the Dutch, Belgian and European large scale powergrid, but also aiming to be a platform for everyone (both professionals as well as hobbyists) with the powergrid and electricity distribution as field of interest. The content of this site, the forum and the gridmap can be somewhat complicated, but is in essential suitable for all ages.

HoogspanningsNet is not a commercial association. HoogspanningsNet does not aim for profit next to at most covering its own expenses if there are possibilities to do so. (The website, the forum and the gridmap are maintained, developed and hosted by voluntary motivation.) This website, the forum and the gridmap are independent of grid operators, exploitants and constructors active in the high- and midlevel grids. Facts and figures represent the scientific consensus. Any message posted on the forum remains under full responsible of the holder of the account under who's name the message was posted. No rights can be derived from information at this website, the forum or the gridmap. 

HoogspanningsNet rejects any responsibility for consequences caused by eventual incorrect information present at this website, the forum, the gridmap, answers provided by the contact form or any other related or linked source of information. 

Re-using content

HoogspanningsNet is not fond of the culture of fear which arose around the traditional copyright. We support the philosophy of Creative Commons. This website is licensed conform a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND-licence, applicable to all content as long as this not conflices with a higher level licence and/or unless explicitly different mentioned next to the object it applies to. (We see this e.g. applied to all KCD reports, the content of individual messages at our forum, some of the old gridmaps and a small number of pictures we were allowed to use in mutual talk-over with the photographer but remaining under a traditional copyright). Our logo and our home style for the gridmap icons (squares and ovals with white numbers and an overshoot to the left) are for practical reasons excluded from the CC BY-NC-ND-copyright: the use of these in any other manner than as a link referring to the frontpage of the website is without permission of the siteteam not allowed. The use of our name, our logo or any other, not for other explanation useable part of our identity is not allowed without proper permission of the siteteam in advance. 

It is no problem when you take over photos, images, cartoons or texts from this website for educative purposes, presentations, images in school- or other written workpieces, as a source, at your wall or almost any other purpose in which no commercial aim is included. The only thing we ask from you is a proper notification of the source. 

▫ When taking over photos, do not cut off our stamp in the lower corner. By this stamp, the source and the photographer are always retrievable. 
▫ When copying our sourcing texts, refer to us ( als the source.

Any taken over content of remains under a CC BY-NC-ND-copyright. In practise, this means that others are allowed to repeaditly take over this content from you again under the same terms of conditions as you originally did from this site. Reusing or showing content originating at this site at another website with a traditional copyright is allowed, but at this material still the CC BY-NC-ND copyright remains applied.

Due to the freedoms of this license, we are not in the position to forbid the use of our content for non-commercial, non-neutral purposes (e.g. politics, religion or modern social issues). However, anyone will understand that this type of reusing content is not supported or backed by us in any manner.

Do you doubt if your aimed purpose for reusing content meets up to the CC BY-NC-ND copyright? Do you have a question about the content? Media- or press interest? We are normal persons and so we are open for just contacting us to talk things over if tailorwork seems necessary. Contact us by the contact form (also offered in English) or check the media/press code. When permanetly reusing images from this site at another website, we kindly but seriously request you to avoid deeplinking or hotlinking. Copy the image and save it at your own server. Read here about hotlinking. Click the licence icons for more information about Creative Commons and the license about what is allowed and what is not. 

Creative Commons BY-NC-ND-licentie is van toepassing some rights reserved


This website uses mo tracking- of analysis cookies for own purposes. IP-numbers are not regularily logged. The only potential use of an IP-number is blocking it out when someone is trolling or unacceptable behaving at the forum so we can moderate normal. This site uses no Google Analytics for statistics. Only the built-in tool of the CMS (WordPress) and information provided by the webhost offer some insights to us. These statistics are anonymous and they only serve an aim in monitoring the loadflow at the website in order to improve the useability or to fix 404's. See for a more detailed explanation the page about privacy (Dutch). Since the empowering of the European GDPR Law at may 25, 2018, we removed direct applications of third parties able to set cookies all by themself. Only exclusion is our twitter-fieed showed inline at the frontpage. We also removed the social buttons (sorry!). Because of the absence of advertorial-, analysis- and tracking cookies, for the domain* no annoying cookiewall is required.


This website, the gridmap and the forum redirect at numerous places to other websites. HoogspanningsNet is never responsible for availability, correctness or suitability of any external domain to which is directed. At this website, the forum and the gridmap, contact forms can be found. If an attachment is provided by a message, HoogspanningsNet uses a yes-unless policy regarding to the name of the source (the sender). If this is an issue, please tells so in the body of the message associated to it. HoogspanningsNet is free to ignore messages with an improper content. Commercially oriented tips or hints for news at the frontpage will not be taken into account. Messages concerning threats, hints to violence or other legal issued concerning individual persons or volunteers of the site team can be handed over to the Dutch police.

Contact data of any person contributing to this website (see the colophon) are not retrievable on request without a proper, written motivation of the requesing persond and after this, internal talk-over with the person him/herself. Running this site is done by volunteers. This means we will not guarantee this site and all what is included in it is always available or present: just like you we also have a job, a home, some have children (or parents!) and a normal life next to this interest or hobby. We do not have every second the possibility to hotfix issues or answer a situation popping up. 


We are a platform maintained by volunteers, people just like you. This means if you have a question, you will just get an answer of a person. You can contact us by the contact form (also offered in English).

For this disclaimer in Dutch, click here